Ok, this is SO lame! I've only posted once and I'm totally behind. In addition, I'm really not sure how to do this. I got a bunch of fabric for a gift from my Mom, as well as used gift cards... Not sure if that is all supposed to be counted, but I'm going to - just for safe measure. However, that is going to make this look pretty bad...
Used this Week: 4.25 yards (because I can't count all of the mis-cuts... otherwise, this # would be MUCH larger!)
Used year to Date: 4.25 yards
Added this Week: 19.875 yards
Added Year to Date: 51.639 yards
Net Used for 2012: - 47.389 yards
So, here is the lowdown:
~ I won 2 yards of Circa 52 in a blog giveaway and received it this past week.
~ Purchased a panel to make a "bunting" from Riley Blake's gorgeous collection. Can't wait to make it!
~ I received money for batiks from my Mom for my birthday, which was 2 weeks ago. I picked out the fabric this past week.
~ Earlier in the year, I bought a selection of orange fabrics from the Craft Warehouse STEAL (Super-Clearance). I have a decent stash, and had tall piles of every color - EXCEPT orange... Now I have a few more to equal a decent selection.
~ I just finished a quilt today and had to re-buy fabric TWICE because of my... "screw-ups." Very bummed, but can't change it!
~ Found an amazing "bee" fabric and got 2 yards. I grew up with the nickname "Bea," but associate it with "Bee," so I'm a sucker for a gorgeous bee fabric! This one is a light (grey?) bee outlined on a creamy beige background. It'll look great on.. SOMEthing!
~ Bought fabrics for a quilt I plan to start tomorrow.
~ Earlier this year, we went to Cannon Beach for the weekend. These trips always end up with a visit to "
Center Diamond." I bought 2 fq's and 2.5 yards of holiday fabric
~ I was notified that solids were on sale at JoAnns. I have NO solids, except black & white, and I don't like shopping at JoAnn's. But, since they were such a great deal, and I needed solids, I sucked it up & bought the rainbow. Oh - there were a bunch of bolts with hardly anything on them, so I picked all of those up knowing I would get them for "remnant" price - 70% off regular price!
So, some of that probably shouldn't be included (gifts & winnings), but i'm not sure? The GREAT thing is that I shouldn't be needing any more fabric for quite awhile, and I'm starting a new quilt tomorrow. So, my "used" number should go up, and my "net" will be going down!