Sorting, Sorting, Sorting
Boy have I been having fun this week! I bought 3 shelving units from a great friend and have been playing with fabric ever since! Ok, ok... playing in between homework sessions, but at least I've got to TOUCH fabric this week, which is unlike many other weeks while in school!
One thing I was SO excited to do was to get my batiks out, sort & stack them, and then put them on the shelves so I can SEE them - every day!! Woot!!! Batiks have quickly become my favorite fabrics, so being able to view 'em each day brings much warmness and joy to my heart. It's like seeing all of the colorful flowers in the spring, after a long & dreary winter. Ahhhhh - JOYFUL!
The reason I've wanted to "shelve my fabric" is because I couldn't
see it when it was in the plastic drawers, so I basically never used it. Ever! I never make scrappy quilts, even though I do have fabric and I DO love the scrappy look! Every time I wanted to start a project, I would go and buy fabric - because I couldn't
see that I already have what I need! So, not only is it refreshing to see the fabric, some of which I've had for 10+ years, having it "open to air" opens up tons of quilty opportunities for my short-term future! :)
In a bit over 2 weeks, I'll be DONE with school and able to get back into the sewing room for the reason it's intended - to SEW!
I can't wait!

The photo shows 2 of the shelf units stacked. I've made changes since taking this, but it at least gives the general idea. The tub
on the bottom shelf is still there, and full of "old crappy" fabric (and I mean CRAPPY!!!) that I'll give to Goodwill or... or just throw out - it's THAT bad!