We had a nice time with some family in town for the past couple of days. We had a delicious "feast" yesterday, and opened gifts afterward. My husband "got into it" this year when he decided that "toys" should be our theme. So, everyone got a variety of toys & fun things to play with - some silly, and some really cool/fun stuff, too. GO HUSBAND!! :)
I finished school on the 6th, and have been ACHING to sew since! However, cleaning was a necessity, as was holiday shopping and a small variety of other stuff. Guests were set to arrive early on Friday, and I finally sat down at the machine on Thursday evening, around 9pm or so. I didn't leave until THREE stockings were complete - at about 3:30am. I got way too little sleep that night, but it felt so good to be in there "creating" that it was well worth the sleep deprivation!
The stockings were intended to be for our guests - our nephew and his wife. However, when I looked at my stash of holiday fabric, it SUCKED. So, rather than make something they'd rather throw away, I decided to make stockings for our animals, aka: "the kids," instead. Here is a photo of the finished products:
The two for the dogs have the same main fabric, but the tops are different. I'm rather happy with them, considering I had just a template for the stocking "shape," and no instructions past that! The top wasn't part of the design, so I figured that out - quite easily by the third one. :)
I was also the lucky winner of a homemade stocking and it arrived on Friday! Joanie at Joanie's quilts did a fabulous job, adding hand stitching and small felt ornaments to the tree. Love it! Here is a photo:
Thank you, Joanie!!!
I'm sure there are many things I could post about, but the last thing I'll include here is about the batch of hand cream I made a few days ago. I got the "recipe" from Judy Laquidara of Patchwork Times. I love Judy's blog - she posts sometimes a few times per day, and her blog is full of inspiration, and humor! Back to the lotion - I started out with dollar store products since I really didn't know how this would turn out (I didn't trust myself to mix the products and get a good result...? LOL). Next time, I think I would look for higher quality products, but I do like what the dollar-store result was.
I will be working tonight, starting at 10pm, so I'm going in to sew for a little while while the day is still young and before I take my "night-shift nap." I need to rid myself of this "I wanna SEW" feeling, and the only way to do it is to SEW! :)
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